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5 Mar 2020

The strange dream

Dear Soul:

Today I had a very strange dream. Usually I forget them, but this time I can remember it very well. It connects my family to the boy I love, maybe that’s why. But it was strange. The boy I love was living with us. I was in my parents’ room, and I wrote a post to this same blog about a traditional celebration in which he was with my family, they were at the countryside talking to the people of the village and celebrating with them.
I posted an entry here talking about this, with a picture of him and my old niece Sara, who’s only one year younger than him. They were sitting on the extreme sides of a long white table on the grass. It was a very sunny day and they seemed to be happy. I was posting it at the same time I was moving objects with my mind. Do you know what telekinesis is? I had this ability in my dream, and I could attract every object to my hand just by thinking, in a very easy way.
I was excited about it cause I was improving telekinesis and I wanted to show it to him. Then, I started to wonder why I didn’t try to come closer to him before, since I liked him as much as I do in real life. I proposed myself to talk to him nicely and approach him, first I could talk about the post of the celebration to break the ice and maybe he wanted to speak with me.
I was very happy thinking about how close we could be, but suddenly I realized he was about 4 or 5 years old, like my little nephew. It was very strange cause in the picture with my old niece, he seemed to be more than 20, like her, but suddenly he was only 4 or 5 years old.
So finally it was impossible to flirt with him cause he was only a little baby boy. My happiness faded away in a few seconds, but it was very strange he became so young so suddenly.
In my dream, he knew all my family: parents, sisters, nieces, everybody. He was a foreigner, though, like he’s in reality- he’s from South Korea, so I planned to speak in English to him.
In the picture with my niece, I remember he was so happy and bright like he usually is.
It was a really frustrating dream though. It’s been some time since I didn’t remember a dream so vividly.

I could watch him without approaching him. Frustrating.


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