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10 Oct 2021

How to transcend the political system

At our current point in history, our government has betrayed all of us. They try to impose as mandatory public health measures targeted to eliminate as much population as they can. They don't let you breathe (masks) and they force upon you nanotechnology injections which will hack your immune system in order to work against you.

How is this possible?

Inside our primitive society, we function in survival mode. Predators and preys. The big one eats the little one. That's why we've been trained at school since kids to obey authorities without questioning. Our lack of consciousness let the predators rule at their will without knowing at all what they were doing. Human sacrifices, pedophilia, tortures. It's daily life for those in power, whose psychopathic minds of predators are sure that they have to smash those under them in order to be at the top. We understand the latter because we don't know about assertiveness or equal relationships. So we believed in them, we put our lives at their disposal and we obeyed blindly. And now our future is at risk. If we keep complying, we'll be dead.

The Universe puts us in this situation to evolve our consciousnesses.

Those who open their minds will be able to receive inspiration from the Source and they will have the creativity to imagine alternatives. They will be able to build and live in a new civilized and equal society where human exploitation has no place. Where there is a predator, there is a prey (victim).

Those who follow only their basic instincts and keep living in survival mode, they will obey the big ones to avoid threats, they will receive the poisoned injections and they will die.

An equal society where people respect each other is not an utopia. It is, in fact, a universal pattern. Our primitive planet is unique in the cosmos because it doesn't function this way. We don't know about other societies out there because our government hides it all in order to enslave us better.

In order to establish a holographic (equal) society in our planet, we must stop the short term thinking and start thinking in mid-long term. We must stop thinking in a small and individual way in order to think in a big and collective way.

The short term is clouded by the lethal threat of the vaccine, a global collapse of the economy pushed by the elite to gather all the money in their hands and even the possibility that they cut the Internet off.

The support of a community is basic for our survival in mid-long term. Little collectives of open-minded citizens in the neighborhoods organizing frequent assemblies. They can share experiences and ideas to resist the medical tyranny. They can resist an Internet collapse, because they organize in-person meetings and they are in contact by traditional means.* They can offer support, food and shelter to those in need in the community.

*Ideas for resisting an Internet collapse: posters in the walls of the neighborhood. Sharing flyers out, hand-in-hand, using physical mailboxes and local businesses. If the computers collapse, write manually and photocopy. For small neighborhoods, use influencers. For big neighborhoods, organize door-to-door squads. Make lists with phone numbers and call the people for the next meeting. 

Neighborhood assemblies are not something new. In the year 2011, in Spain, the daily political scandals of corruption and the bankers evicting people massively from their homes started the 15M movement. Citizens gathered in the squares and neighborhoods to protest, stop evictions and search solutions independently from politicians. 

Why did the 15M movement fail?

The cause is called Pablo Iglesias and Podemos.

Pablo Iglesias summed up the ideas of the collective and founded a political party using a cool marketing. Podemos was presented as a group of idealistic young people teaching in Universities. They caught all the attention on TV, and people stopped gathering in the streets and squares. Citizens paid attention to politicians and TV again. They stopped believing in themselves, they gave up their power again to the predators and they were again easy preys for the mind-control programs.

Following leaders is dangerous.

Obedience is the root cause of slavery. World leaders know it too well, and they use influencers on social media so people will follow others and forget about themselves. The voices they use as puppets speak for the rest of the population.

That's why we can't let others speak for us. We must organize locally, in-person. Once a network of local assemblies is installed, they would decide. Citizens would decide for themselves. Politicians would not take decisions in the name of people they don't know about or feel empathy for, cause they consider themselves to be over everybody else.

Nobody knows better the problems of the community than the community itself.

Nobody knows better who are the most vulnerable, or the most capable for offering support, or the weaknesses and strengths of the community. Assemblies can organize rescue squads for protecting and helping people. They can organize volunteers for solving the problems at hand. They can distribute the resources (shelter, food, clothing, water, electric energy) and make them available for the neighbors. Money are just numbers in a computer or metal or paper pieces. You cannot eat, drink or wear it. It cannot warm up your home, give you ideas, fix a breakdown, heal your diseases or teaching your kids.

The resources the Earth or other people are giving to us is what we need for our survival. The help and services of other people are what we use the money to pay for. If they didn't sell themselves to the markets, we wouldn't have to pay them. In fact, money was created for purchasing the creative power of the people. Your focused attention creates your reality, and the money masters know it. When they pay you with money, they are buying the kind of reality they want you to live in. A reality where they dictate what you have to do and what you have to focus on. But imagine everybody offering their best qualities to the community for free.

If we stopped using money, assemblies could not be bribed or corrupted like the current local goverments are. They would work connecting people inside the community. They would listen to those in need and listen to those who can offer solutions to the current problems, and they would connect them.

For the citizens' assemblies to succeed and not be frustrated by the intelligence agencies, the different civilian, military, professional and corporative associations need to stop acknowledging the politicians' authority over the population. Instead, they must pledge allegiance to the assemblies. Stop obeying the predators and start protecting the vulnerable ones. Transcend the fight-for-survival mentality and replace it for a mentality of help, protection and cooperation.


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