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5 Sept 2021

Replacing money-seeking jobs for fulfilling your Soul's mission in life

The way our world operates today is a slavery chain, where people are treated like commodities ("human resources") for a boss to command. Higher aspirations are forgotten just to pursue money for the sake of money itself. People sell themselves to the market's needs, and they search prosperity by abusing others who carry the heavy load of the most boring, repetitive and hard tasks on their backs. They forget about their soul and inner being needs in order to fulfill the expectations and the cruel, unfair, selfish and random demands of the people they need to serve in order to get the money. Therefore, they become vulnerable preys for the money masters. This makes abuse, violence, prostitution and addictions thrive and leads to unfairness, corruption, materialism, competition, scarcity... It generates an inner void that the tv commercials seek to replace by selling useless products.

A Resource Based Economy, like the one proposed by The Venus Project, would be a nice beginning to change it all. It means forgetting about the money and using the natural resources coming from the Earth, shared between everybody, in order to fulfill our basic material needs. Nature needs to be declared the common heritage of all the Earth's inhabitants. Water, energy, food, everything like a property every citizen can have access to, without the obstacle of the money. Just because those in charge of society would really care about people, not about accumulating power and profits by destroying everything and everybody else.

Products would be entirely fabricated by machines, like many factories are starting to do by replacing human workers. Our current technological achievements would make this change of economic model easier than we imagine. We must consider, for example, the big amount of empty houses and apartments left after the bank evicted the people who could not afford these homes anymore. We've got homes without people and people without homes, because of how our economic system works today.

Once our society achieves abundance and fulfills the basic material needs of the people (shelter, water, energy, food, clothing...), then the people would have the time to meditate and reconnect with their Higher Selves. They could start the healing process of all the psychological wounds and trauma caused by living in an abusive system.

However, there's no magical recipe to change the world. It's the task of each and every human being who's living, breathing and acting in the planet. We are affecting our environment by the way in which we choose to live our lives, by the way in which we think and treat others. We need to stop following leaders and start taking responsability for our own well-being, the well-being of those around us and our environment.

In order to start changing our economic model, we need to reshape our values. We are conditioned to work as machines, following the clock and the money. We see our jobs like something we ought to do in order to be "a good citizen". But we are experiencing how many of the "good citizen jobs" that people find require the sacrifice of their own personal lives, they are based on preying on the rest of our fellow citizens, or they are destroying the environment we live in. The social value of the job is completely ignored, and of course, the soul and inner value of the employee comes last.

Our minds tend to follow the fixed schemes of productivity we have learnt since kids, and we are very bad at finding a job that adapts itself to us instead of having to adapt ourselves to the job. We tend to follow whatever the money masters want to push on us, in a totally capricious and random way. Cause we have forgotten about our inner Self. We have forgotten our Soul's mission in life. As a consequence, we don't have jobs that adapt themselves to the environment of our planet or the social needs of humanity.

We believe things are the way they are because they were meant to be this way, and nothing else could work. We have learnt it since kids. We have been brainwashed by our school, parents, media... We don't even try something different.

Cause our mindset is fixed by the system. But we can change it.


The work model in our society is always based on the same scheme:

A person wants to achieve an objective. This person details the steps for achieving the goal, measuring how many time, how many people and how many resources are required to conquer the objective. The work gets fragmented. Every person in the project has very, very specific tasks to accomplish. Nobody knows what the others are really doing, and this is not necessary. Only the “director”, CEO or whatever name you want to put on it, needs to know if every person is accomplishing the assigned tasks or not. If yes, go on. If not: FIRED!

This generates mechanical work which is never based on the people as the source and the final receptor of the benefits. Markets’ requirements, “where the money goes”, big economic trends… They decide which needs in society will be satisfied, and which not. If cleaning a river is not profitable, we don’t make it. If feeding homeless people is not profitable, we don’t make it. If selling poison is profitable, we make it frantically. People turn into slaves which have to obey the master exactly as it is required, or the job and the plans would be a complete system failure.

This rigid way of working has no other incentives rather than survival and money. It needs all the people following the fixed schedule like a clock:

You start working at x am. You do this, this, and this. Then, at x am, you can take 15 minutes for a break. Then, you do this, this and this. You finish your work at x pm.

The work, as a result, becomes something external to the person, alienating individuals and making them lose their identities and their missions in life. Who they really are, and what they have come here to do. Besides, they live with a constant fear of not being enough, and a never-ending threat over their heads: if they are not doing what the CEO or director says, they will lose their incomes.

This turns independent people into complying sheeple, and it’s this way by design. On purpose. So people will not ask so many questions… or they got fired. Nobody needs to communicate to each other, nobody needs to know what the real plans of the director are. They just need to obey, and that’s it.

These fixed schedules need life to be a fixed pattern which never changes. The reality is… Life does change. Life is evolving, and if our organizational work cannot adapt itself to real life and the challenges that always come in our way… It will fail. It doesn’t even matter if all the people are willing to comply as robots. Unexpected things will always make their way and collapse it all as a house of cards.

Evolving blueprints can be the solution. We’re at a breaking point as a society, and we can take the opportunity, starting a new way of working and shifting for the better, or we can sink forever. Live is evolving, life does not wait for us. We adapt ourselves, or we will be left behind.

Evolving blueprints are centered on the individuals and their needs. Work is made for the individual, instead of making the individual fit for the job. Every person has a mission in life, and this comes from higher realms. We have chosen it before our incarnation. It is sacred, and it has to be respected. What makes you feel passionate? What’s your hobby? What could you be doing for hours without even realizing the time is ticking? What would you do if all your material needs were already fulfilled? Would you breath and meditate for hours? Would you paint? Would you sing? Would you cook? Would you travel? Would you learn new languages? Would you engage in projects for cleaning and protecting the environment? Would you talk to elderly neighbors who live alone? Would you write? Would you search for new healing therapies? Would you design original devices? Would you play sports? Would you research scientific information to share it with the world? Would you experiment by yourself? Would you investigate what the bad guys are doing to punish them and bringing them into Justice? Would you fix cars’ engines? (Yes, there are people who do it in their free time cause they love cars).

The reality is, there’s a lot of work that needs to be done, and there’s a lot of people wanting to do the job. What’s preventing people from connecting with their ideal jobs is… the money. Big corporations are deciding for us all, using their psychopathic minds which poison everything.

Specifically, an evolving blueprint is a project which can be adapted to whatever comes its way. We’ve got a team of 13 volunteers for cleaning this river, for example. We want to clean the river, and the river needs to be cleansed. It doesn’t matter if we need more people to accomplish it faster. It does not matter if we use advanced tools or old-fashioned ones. Because we don’t fix a schedule. We want people to enjoy cleaning the river, and we want the river clean. How many time will it take, it’s not our concern. If they want to play music while they’re doing it, wonderful. If someone wants to stop for a week because her lovely husband came from a long travel, wonderful. If someone gets sick and does not want to work for two days, or two years, it does not matter. If someone gets tired and wants to quit, ok. If someone wants to join the movement, welcome. If there’s an unexpected problem cause the pollution is radioactive and we need experts in this area, we communicate to people who love to study how radiation pollutes environments and who are experts in dealing with these specific problems. Maybe we set a precedent in history and our case and experience can serve as an example for cleaning other rivers in the world in an easier way.

Our team is flexible, and people communicates all the time their needs, their problems and also their successes and great accomplishments. They feel listened, they are following their passion and they are never forced to do things they don’t want to do. We don’t need a boss for our surveillance, because we’re constituting a network which is being run by itself.


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