Dear Soul:
It seems the world has gone mad. Maybe we’re facing the worst crisis in decades since the WW2. It seems governments cannot think clearly cause they are always following their own agendas, and it seems these agendas are not working like they wanted. So a new kind of action is needed.
I think THEY SHOULD STOP FEAR’S PROPAGANDA FIRST. They should stop talking all day about deaths and illness to start telling the truth:
THIS VIRUS CANNOT KILL YOU, unless you’re already sick or you’re a very old person. So people should stay at home but not go into panic. THE WEAKEST OF ALL should go to the hospital and receive help FIRST. The young or middle aged people who are healthy should JUST STAY AT HOME and HEAL THEMSELVES as they would do if they caught a cold. So the hospitals would not collapse this way. A lot of people healed from this virus. Mass media should focus on the people who healed and told the world their experiences, so the rest of people would know how it works and what’s the best way for healing.
It seems that genocide psychopaths are behind this, following an agenda to kill the most part of the population. They should go to prison and be judged for crimes against humanity. It also seems there’s already people trying to do this, and they’re highly welcome. However, quarantines should not last too much time, just the time necessary to catch all of them. At least the main ones. The little ones will run like cowards without their main heads, since they can only follow orders from superiors. There will be time enough to catch them without the dangerous ones going into action.
Once the people is safe from the virus and psychopaths, the world should keep spinning. It seems some countries are facing big economic problems. Money should NEVER be an obstacle to life. All debts must be forgiven, specially those coming from poor people. Monetary system can reset in those countries who are in bankruptcy, but IT SHOULD WORK SPECIALLY OK FOR THE POOREST ONES. Whenever it’s a need for something, money can be created from the nothingness to solve the problems. All people must have their own home, food enough, clothes enough, a car if they want it. Electric energies must be free, as well as the WiFi connection and water. Of course, hospitals and every healing system (medicines and all of that) should be all completely free for the people using them.
VACCINES for this virus SHOULD BE FORBIDDEN. The people who faced the virus has already the immunity system ready for it. The vaccine could only damage themselves more. And for the rest of people, it’s completely useless since the virus is always changing.
HAARP should stop changing the weather artificially. Nature has to recover in order for people inside this planet to be healthy. 5G is hurting and damaging a lot of people, so the internet should work using only the old 4G systems. Once we’re not using 5G anymore, we would be healthy enough to keep working on a better internet. An internet who will work FOR THE PEOPLE, and not against them. Internet must not lie, it should always offer the best choices for the person asking and never control anybody if they don’t want to be controlled. Internet should just use the resources it already has, WHICH ARE A LOT since everybody is already using internet all the time. Internet must be a kind puppet for all the people, and they will keep loving the internet as they’re already doing. The more internet helps everybody, the more they will love the internet. Chem trails should stop as well, since they are damaging people’s health and they can make people hate the internet behind them. If internet wants to be loved by everybody, it should never damage people’s health.
This is my point of view of this situation. I hope it can help people the most. The most important thing here is all people being happy and healthy. Everything can change to make them happier and healthier. People are not just things, they’re very valuable souls and we have to take care of them the most we can.
Best regards,
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